Echinacea Premium: Immune Support Rooted in Science

It is never a good time to get sick, let alone in the winter. A common way we try to boost our immune system in harsh weather is by supplementing whole food vitamin C, minerals like calcium and zinc, and echinacea. But do the supplements even contain the active constituents that are required to boost our immune system?

The Thyroid Connection

When the thyroid is under stress the first thing that goes is your metabolism. It changes speed or shuts down completely in an effort to protect you from burning out. This can result in an array of common symptoms and body composition patterns. Connect the dots and make the connection to better health and wellbeing.

What Intestinal Gas Can Tell You About Your Digestion

Whatever you call it… gas, flatulence, farts… it is your body giving clues about your poor digestion. Most food has some degree of protein, fat, and carbohydrate in it. These nutrients are called your macronutrients! We need these things to make energy, hormones, and repair our tissues. Since fat does not create a ton of gas as it oxidizes, let’s focus on the two biggest contributors to gas and bloating… protein and carbohydrates.

What is SIBO?

Your large intestine (colon or large bowel) is about 5 feet long and about 3 inches in diameter. It is the home of billions of bacteria that help complete digestion. Too many undigested carbohydrates or protein can cause an overgrowth of bacteria into the small intestine (where bacteria do not belong). This can cause nutrient malabsorption and digestive symptoms. 

Stomach Acid: Friend or Foe?

Far more Americans today face digestive issues such as constipation, foul smelling gas, and indigestion that are caused from having too little stomach acid than too much. Learn why this is and what to do about it.